Newsletter October 2005
(1) Welcome Section 1 - Welcome Research and correspondence has really picked up now that summer is over.
I am in the process of connecting up several different lines of the family
to each other, one of which will be featured in next month's newsletter. We just found out that my father-in-law (Kenneth Korn) appeared in a feature article in the London Daily Mail which we believe included a picture just after he returned from Germany to England before heading back to the United States just after World War II ended. Does anyone have access to a copy of this paper via microfilm at their local library that might be able to do a search for me? You can contact me via e-mail and I can give you more details. It would be in a May 1945 issue of the newspaper. I will be attending the International Conference on Genetic Genealogy held at the corporate headquarters for National Geographic in Washington, D.C. on November 4-5, 2005. =======================================
A descendant of Rev. Miles Bassett is the first African American that has taken part in out Bassett DNA testing project. (Picture and article from Black Biography 1790-1950) Our Baptist Ministers It is needless to say that the greatest amount of church-building and organization has been by men who were born during the dark days of slavery, men who came up through very adverse circumstances, men who rose to usefulness not with the help of their early surroundings but in spite of the most strenuous efforts to keep them down. Such as man is Rev. Miles Bassett of New Albany, Indiana. Rev. Miles Bassett was born in Greene County, North Carolina, Aug. 25, 1836. He was the son of Rev. Zachariah Bassett. Before her marriage his mother was Elizabeth Reed; she was of a family of Reeds who lived near Tarboro in Edgecombe County. In 1844, Miles Bassett moved from North Carolina and settled in a Quaker settlement in Park County, Ind. It was here that Rev. Zachariah Bassett first began to preach, having organized a little church out of the emigrants who accompanied him from North Carolina. Miles was sent to a Quaker school, where he received a common school training, which was afterwards supplemented by hard study. At the age of seventeen Miles was converted and, being baptized by his father, joined the church of that place. In 1865 he was ordained. His labors have been almost exclusively in Indiana. He served the Second Church of Shelbyville for nine years. From a small congregation he built up a large one and left them with a house worth $3,200, whereas when he went to them they had no house of worship. His second charge was the Second Church of Rising Sun, Ind.; at the same time by unanimous consent of his church he supplied alternately the churches of Carrollton, Ky., and Madison, Ind. In 1881, he took the pastoral charge of the Second Church of New Albany, where he still labors. When he accepted the call to this church they were worshiping in a comfortable but shabby looking house, ill fitted for the purposed of a church and unpaid for. By untiring effort and unswerving fidelity, Rev. Bassett not only paid off the last cent but immediately began raising a building fund. He soon had sufficient money in hand to warrant him in beginning a new edifice. Instead of building they bought the finest and most modern style church edifice owned by any colored congregation in that section of the state. The original cost of the building was $30,000. Upon it is the city clock, the official time-piece for all municipal purposes. Rev. Bassett is a great financier. He has an original and almost unequaled
plant of liquidating the church debt. =======================================
Orrin Delos Bassett descends from William Bassett of Plymouth (#1A) as follows:
======================================= Section 4 - Featured Bassett: Simpson Bassett family identified With the help of DNA test results, we have identified which family Dr. Simpson Bassett belongs to. Original information for Simpson Bassett was sketchy. He married after 1880 and died before 1900, so he does not show as a head of household for any census records. Below is what we had on him. 141B. Simpson Mallory Bassett Dr. Simpson Mallory Bassett was an Army Doctor. He was born about 1870. He married Ada Potter, daughter of Samuel H. and Sophia E. Potter. Another granddaughter remembers him being called Sam. Ada was born in Sep 1864 in Pennsylvania. A male descendant of this family took part in DNA testing, results of which can be seen below. We know from this that he descends from either #1B John Bassett of CT or #6B William Bassett of CT. In a most unlikely source (Black Biography 1790-1950), I found the following which gave us more detailed information on Simpson Overton Bassett that allowed me to connect him up to the correct family. Howard University, Medical Department Simpson Overton Bassett, M.D., Born in 1858. Attended Howard University Medical College, sessions 9 to 11, 1876-9, and graduated M.D. in 1879. He appears to have remained in Washington, D.C., until 1886, when he removed to Wadsworth, Nev., thence to Ohio Pyle, Pa. In 1890 he was practicing medicine at Dunbar, Pa. Was taken sick and removed to Fredericktown, Pa., where the family of his wife (nee Ada Potter) resided. Died there March 4, 1892. ======================================= Section 5 - Featured Bassett: Bassett, Chickasaw County, Iowa Main Street, Bassett, Iowa in 1908 Historical and Reminiscences of Chickasaw County, Iowa By J.H. Powers, (1894) Bassett was named after one of the firm of Bassett & Hunting, an extensive wheat buying firm along the line of the railroad, they both living in McGregor. Bassett, Iowa was named after James Fordham Bassett. He was a descendant of William Bassett of Plymouth. William Bassett of Plymouth and wife Elizabeth 127.166.5. James Fordham Bassett, son of Jonathan Bassett James Fordham Bassett, son of Jonathan and Frances (Fordham) Bassett, was born 5 Nov 1824. He married Dorliska M. Conklin, daughter of Jedediah Conklin, on 17 Jun 1857 in Sag Harbor, Long Island. She was born 10 Nov 1828. James was a grain buyer and commission merchant. They lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was a republican. They kept a summer home in the Hamptons. They are both buried in Oakland Cemetery, Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, New York. 1870 Federal Census of McGregor, Mendon Twp., Clayton County, IA (8 Sep 1870)
12716651. Frank Congdon Bassett - born 10 Jun 1858, died 14 Feb 1872. 12716652. Kathrine Evalyn Bassett - born 14 Nov 1860, married Walter Kimball on 8 Sep 1889. They lived in Brookline, Massachusetts. 12716653. Barbara Brown (Bertha) Bassett - born 27 Jun 1864, married John M. Lewis on 18 Sep 1897 in Sag Harbor, Long Island. John was born 17 Jun 1858. They lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was a physician. He was a republican and a member of the Episcopalian church. They are both buried in Oakland Cemetery in Sag Harbor. 12716654. George Hawley Bassett - born 23 Dec 1875, lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota. History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882 p. 968 Mendon Township, James Bassett was born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, on the 5th day of November, 1824, and was a son of John and Frances P. (Fordham) Bassett. His father was a native of Connecticut, and a soldier in the war of 1812; his mother, a native of Long Island. The subject of this memoir came to Clayton County in 1857, where he has been actively engaged in business pursuits since. In 1857 he married Dorliska F. Conkling, a daughter of Jedediah Conkling, of Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett are the parents of three living children -- Kate, Bertha and Georgia. Mr. Bassett is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, Bezer Lodge, No. 135, and was a member of the convention that nominated James A. Garfield. ======================================= Section 6 - New family lines combined or added since the last newsletter The following family lines have been combined/eliminated since the last newsletter. 141B. Simpson Bassett combined into the #1B John Bassett of CT family 141B. Wickliff Bassett of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana (b. 1857 Louisiana)
======================================= Section 7 - DNA project update.
#112B. Bassett of Blore through the Bassett of Hints/Sutton Coldfield line
Donations of any amount can be made to the Bassett DNA project by clicking on the link below. Any funds donated will be used to fund select Bassett DNA tests that will further our project as a whole and benefit all Bassetts worldwide. This is just a reminder that the DNA website can be found at: A current spreadsheet of results can be found at: If you don't have Excel and can't open the spreadsheet above, you can now see the DNA test results at the following website. ======================================= Jeffrey Bassett | |
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