Newsletter April 2006 (1) Welcome Thanks to the following who made donations this month to the DNA project: Bruce Kappele - $200 Section 1 - Welcome Bassett research continues at a furious pace. I am still amazed that after working on this project for 25 years that I am still finding so many new Bassett lines. I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter! If you have an outstanding DNA kit, please return it to the lab as soon as possible. FamilyTreeDNA has new pricing for DNA testing. See the section below on DNA updates for a list of new prices. ======================================= Section 2 - Featured Bassett: Clark Patterson Bassett descends from #1B John Bassett of Connecticut as follows: John Bassett and wife Margery HISTORY OF DOOR COUNTY, WISCONSIN (1917) Commercial activity in Sturgeon Bay finds a worthy representative in Clark P. Bassett, who since 1906 has been proprietor of a drug store in this city. He was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, July 28, 1881, a son of H. M. and Etta (Melendy) Bassett. The father, who was a physician and surgeon, has now passed away. The family removed to Minnesota during the early boyhood of Clark P. Bassett, who there attended the public schools, and later he became a student in the University of Minnesota, where he pursued a course in pharmacy. He was there graduated with the class of 1906 and thus became well qualified for his chosen life work. In the meantime, however, he had some experience along that line. He came to Sturgeon Bay in 1900 and secured employment in Styles' drug store. Wishing to supplement his practical experience by thorough scientific training he then entered the University of Minnesota and following his graduation he returned to Sturgeon Bay and opened his store in 1906. The Bassett drug store has become one of the leading commercial enterprises of the city. His establishment is well appointed and tastefully arranged. He carries a large and complete line of drugs and druggists' sundries and his patronage has become of a substantial character. In 1907 Mr. Bassett was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Cochem, of Sturgeon Bay, a daughter of Matt and Elizabeth Cochem. They now have two children, Robert and Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett are members of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and his political endorsement is given to the democratic party. He has resided here for seventeen years, during which period he has become widely known, and his sterling qualities as well as his business ability have established him high in public regard.
Business Man of the Week Clark Bassett, the owner and operator of the Bassett Drug Store in Sturgeon Bay, has been in the drug business for 50 years. Mr. Bassett began his career in the state of Minnesota in 1898. In those days, a druggist had and Clark began in Minnesota and rounded out his five years in Sturgeon Bay, being in the employ H.A. Stiles, in the building now occupied by the Miller Clothing store. In the year 1903, Mr. Bassett returned to the University of Minnesota, where
he completed his studies. When Mr. Bassett first came to Sturgeon Bay, we remember his baseball career, when he played with Mitch LaPlant, Billy Dago, and Arnold Wagener, Billy Arie, Joe Ferris, Jimmy Splashney, Ed Hogan and the other boys of that era. By his pleasant personality and love of sports and fair play, he endeared himself to the general public. He belonged to the Twenty Club back in the days when baskets were delivered to the poor in the city, back in the days when people were helped by this wonderful organization to get on their feet, where given a helping hand and none knew where it came from. Mr. Bassett has always been interested in Sturgeon Bay community affairs, and in the welfare of this community and of the entire county. While he may not have been at the head of these moves, he was always behind them heart and soul. Mrs. Bassett, formerly Miss Lillian Cochem, of this city, has labored at his side throughout the years of their wedded life and contributed in no small measure to his success and that of their fine family. The Bassetts' oldest child, Robert, is very successful in his brilliant career and at the present time is "Labor Relations Counsel" for the Hearst Publications over their entire holdings in the United States. Two fine daughters, Mary and Betty, share in the honors due to this fine family. They are both married, Mary residing in Honolulu and Betty at Milwaukee. Mr. Bassett is a Rotarian and is active in its circles. He finds it advisable to curtail his activities somewhat these last few years, but is active in his flourishing business, in church and home life and has the interest of the community at heart, as always. Over his entire career in Door County, nothing but good has ever been said of Mr. Bassett and his fine family. He is a citizen Sturgeon Bay is proud of and everyone hopes that his career may continue over many more years. ======================================= Section 3 - Featured Bassett: Annie R. Waln (Springer) Bassett, Composer
William Bassett of Lynn and his wife Sarah Burt 4B233.588. Fenwick Hazelton Bassett, son of William Bassett Fenwick Hazelton Bassett, son of William and Abigail (Hazelton) Bassett, was born 12 Jan 1857 in Salem, New Jersey. He died 8 Apr 1933 in Norwood, Pennsylvania. He married Annie R. Waln Springer on 29 Oct 1884. She was born about 1864. 1910 Federal Census of Norwood Borough, Delaware County, PA (6 Apr 1910) Fenwick H. Bassett 52 M NJ NJ NJ Head U.S. Ranger Government Annie R. Waln 45 F PA NJ PA Wife Music Composer own business Fenwick H. 21 M PA NJ PA Son Abbie 22 F PA NJ PA Daughter William W. 16 M PA NJ PA Son Leland C.G. 9 M PA NJ PA Son(Living at 41 Ridley Ave. West) (Married 25 years, 4 children, 4 living) 4B2335881. Fenwick Hazleton Bassett - born 25 Aug 1887 (SSDI) in Pennsylvania. He died Oct 1971 (SSDI) in Cape May, Cape May County, New Jersey. 4B2335882. Abigail Bassett - born about 1890, married Mr. Barnes and had Richard Fenwick Bassett Barnes and Miriam Ann Waln Barnes. 4B2335881. William Waln Bassett - born 11 Nov 1892 married Maude H. and had William Waln Bassett Jr. and Eleanor Bassett. Maude was born 11 Aug 1896 (SSDI) in Pennsylvania. She died Jun 1985 (SSDI) in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 4B2335882. Charles Godfrey Leland Bassett - born 26 Nov 1899. Annie R. Waln Bassett was a composer and wife of Fenwick Hazelton Bassett. She was the composer of the Political Song "Our Good and Honest Taft". Used with permission from the Parlor Songs Association, Inc. Click on the link below to read more about and listen to this song. ======================================= Section 4 - Featured Bassett: Lady Elizabeth Basset was married to Ronald Basset, a descendant of Sir Francis Basset of Cornwall. Obituary: Lady Elizabeth Basset ELIZABETH BASSET claimed it came as a surprise when in 1959 she was asked by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother to become a lady-in- waiting, a job for which, she also pointed out, there was no training. She said she hardly knew the Queen Mother at that time. But her name had scarcely been drawn out of a hat. Her grandfather, the sixth Earl of Dartmouth, had been Vice-Chamberlain to the Household from 1885 to 1892, and her father served George V as Lord Great Chamberlain from 1928 until the King's death in 1936. Other family connections clearly point towards more than a nodding acquaintance with royalty. Lady Elizabeth's mother was a daughter of George V's friend the first Marquess of Lincolnshire and her elder son, Bryan Basset, married a daughter of a Sandringham neighbour, the fifth Earl of Leicester. Born in 1908, Lady Elizabeth Legge married, in 1931 Ronald Basset, by whom she had two sons, one of whom, Peter, died tragically young. This led to her publishing, a year after her husband's death, an anthology of religious verse and prose, Love is My Meaning: an anthology of assurance (1973), dedicated both to her husband and to Peter, for which the Queen Mother contributed a foreword. Four further anthologies followed: Each in His Prison (1978), collecting material on prison life, and with a foreword by Richard Hauser and Hephzibah Menuhin Haiser; The Bridge is Love: an anthology of hope (1981), with a foreword by Sir John Betjeman; Interpreted by Love: an anthology of praise (1994), with a foreword by Archbishop Robert Runcie; and Beyond the Blue Mountains, subtitled "Wisdom and Compassion on Living and Dying" and published last year. Like the Queen Mother, Elizabeth Basset was educated at home. Again, like the Queen Mother, she delighted in the absurdities of life, and shared with her royal mistress a rollicking sense of fun. During one spell of waiting at Birkhall, the Queen Mother's house near Balmoral, she and Queen Elizabeth read to one another alternately a book called A Case of Bananas, written by a circuit judge, with, so Basset used to recall, "the tears pouring down our cheeks". One of their most uproarious shared experiences occurred in Wales, after
the Queen Mother had attended the re-consecration of a parish church. The
sermon went on too long and the rest of the day's engagements got behind schedule
so that at one point the chauffeur put his foot down so hard that Basset and
the Queen Mother were propelled on to the floor of the car, where they sat
side by side convulsed with laughter. With others of the Queen Mother's ladies-in-waiting there can be no doubt that Elizabeth Basset forged an important and intimate relationship. Asked whether she would describe herself as a friend of the Queen Mother, Basset would cautiously reply: "She treats you as a friend. And we have enormous laughs. But at the same time you are very aware that she's the Queen Mother. The tradition is very important. You wouldn't take liberties at all." She once added: "But at the same time she's tremendously approachable and a really wonderful person to serve. I really love her." Profound religious conviction was another shared attribute that held Lady Elizabeth Basset so willing a slave to the demands of royal etiquette. She thought the Queen Mother drew her own strength from "a very strong faith, but a very private one". She might have been speaking of herself. She went so far as to believe the Queen Mother possessed some kind of healing power. "When you are with her," she said, "not only do you feel better, you are better." Again, she could have been speaking of herself. Greatly loved by other members of the Household, Elizabeth Basset radiated a natural friendliness and charm that transcended an obviously aristocratic upbringing. She was self-evidently a good as well as a very entertaining person and one could never quite feel sure upon whom the greater good fortune had fallen, herself or the Queen Mother. Elizabeth Legge, courtier and anthologist: born 5 March 1908; Extra Woman of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother 1959-81, 1993- 2000, Woman of the Bedchamber 1981-93; CVO 1976, DCVO 1989; married 1931 Ronald Basset (died 1972; one son, and one son deceased); died London 30 November 2000. ======================================= Section 5 - DNA results for the #14 Jean Besset family I would like to thank David Bassett and Duane Bessette for taking part in the DNA project. David descends through Francois Bessette, youngest surviving son of Jean Besset and Duane Bessette descends through his oldest son Jean Bessette. DNA results show that male Bassetts descended through both sons of Jean Besset match now giving us the haplotype of Jean Besset. We have one other known Bessette also taking part and his results should be back from the lab shortly. ======================================= Section 6 - New family lines combined or added since the last newsletter The following family lines have been combined/eliminated since the last newsletter. 233B. Lucien Tindall Bassett of England combined into the #18B Bassetts of Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire The following family lines have been added since the last newsletter. 233B. James David Bassett of North Carolina (b. 1834 NC) ======================================= Section 7 - DNA project update. Family Tree DNA has come out with updated pricing for their y-chromosome tests. Below is the new price structure. The number after the Y-DNA is the number of markers for the test. Note the price of the 37 marker test has been reduced by $30. Here is the complete list of new prices: Donations of any amount can be made to the Bassett DNA project by clicking on the link below. Any funds donated will be used to fund select Bassett DNA tests that will further our project as a whole and benefit all Bassetts worldwide. This is just a reminder that the DNA portion of the Bassett Family Association can be found at: A current spreadsheet of results can be found at: If you don't have Excel and can't open the spreadsheet above, you can now see the DNA test results at the following website. Jeffrey Bassett |
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