(1) Welcome
(2) Bassett's Cross of Hatherleigh England
(3) Harry Bassett Transfer Company of Iowa
(4) John Fountain and Kate (Pulver) Bassett of La Crosse, Wisconsin
(5) Ira S. Bassett of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(6) Nymphas Bassett and the 1912 Bassett Family Reunion in Shelby County, Indiana
(7) New family lines combined or added since the last newsletter
(8) DNA project update
Section 1 - Welcome
I have included a few interesting Bassetts in this issue, but some of the stories I had planned on using for this "Black Sheep" issue turned out to be a little too gruesome (double murders, murder-suicides, and the like) and have decided not to include them after all, so I have included a few of the usual articles as well.
I received a packet of Bassett letters this week between an Elmer, who lived in Colorado, and Hattie Bassett, who was living in Lago, Idaho. They were all written in 1903. They came with no note and no return address so I do not know who sent them to me or what family Hattie Bassett, recipient of the letters, belongs to. If you mailed me this packet of letters, please send me a note so that I can identify which Bassett family Hattie belongs to. I may feature one of the letters in an upcoming newsletter if I can figure out the story behind the letters.
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Section 2 - Featured Bassett: Bassett's Cross, Hatherleigh, England
Does anyone know the significance of Bassett's Cross or who it is named for?
A picture of Bassett's Cross located near Hatherleigh, West Devon, England.
Picture provided by Kenneth Webber.
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Section 3 - Featured Bassett: Harry Bassett Transfer Company of Iowa
Harry Bassett descends from #1B John Bassett of Connecticut as follows:
John Bassett and wife Margery
Robert Bassett and wife Mary
Robert Bassett (b. 1640) and wife Elizabeth Riggs
Robert Bassett (b. 1699) and wife Eunice Clark
Daniel Bassett (b. 1743) and wife Elizabeth Bassett
Lemuel Bassett (b. 1788) and wife Julia Bennet
Pierpont Bassett (b. 1818) and wife Sarah Cole
John Pierpont Bassett (b. 1849) and wife Helen J. Tymesen
Charles Bassett (b. 1872) and wife Etta Miller
Harry Fremont Bassett (b. 1905)
Harry Bassett Transfer clipboard purchased on e-bay.
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Section 4 - Featured Bassett: John Fountain Bassett of LaCrosse, Wisconsin
John Fountain Bassett descends from #1A William Bassett of Plymouth as follows:
William Bassett and wife Elizabeth
Joseph Bassett (b. 1635) and wife Mary Lapham
William Bassett (b. 1667) and wife Sarah Sweetland
William Bassett (b. 1694) and wife Mary Crossman
William Bassett (b. 1726) and wife Lydia Fisher
Samuel Bassett (b. 1754) and wife Martha Belding
Nathan Bassett (b. 1798) and wife Malvina White
John Fountain Bassett (b. 1864 in Iowa)
John Fountain Bassett and Kate ran a brothel in LaCrosse, Wisconsin
Ethel Lanphere, Catherine Pulver Lanphere and Fountain Bassett
Picture courtesy of Susan Lanphere
John Fountain Bassett
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Section 5 - Featured Bassett: Ira S. Bassett of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ira Sylvester Bassett is a son of #307B George S. Bassett of Coshocton County, Ohio
New Castle News, Wednesday, October 23, 1918
Ira S. Bassett Under Arrest
Pittsburg Business Man – Evangelist Charged With Concealing $400,000 of Assets
(International News Service)
PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 23 – Charged with concealing $400,000 of his assets and of conspiracy to defraud, Ira S. Bassett, the businessman evangelist, whose failure a few days ago disclosed that he had hundreds of victims who had loaned money to him for investment, was under police custody today in the St. Francis hospital.
According to Attorney Sachs, who is acting for some of Bassett’s clients, the businessman evangelist has liabilities between $3,000,000 and $5,000,000. It is said the number of persons who gave their money to Bassett for investment will number into the thousands.
Bassett’s method of conducting business is under close scrutiny. Promising 10 to 20 per cent on loans of money for a few days on the claim that when his promises were made good in the first instance he gained the confidence of his friends and his clients grew rapidly.
Ira S. Bassett
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Section 6 - Featured Bassett: Nymphas Bassett family and the 1912 Bassett Family Reunion in Shelby County, Indiana
Nymphas Bassett descends from #1A William Bassett of Plymouth as follows:
William Bassett of Plymouth and wife Elizabeth
William Bassett (b. 1624) and wife Mary Rainsford
William Bassett (b. 1656) and wife Rachel Willison
William Bassett (b. 1681) and wife Abigail Bourne
William Bassett (b. 1711) and wife Lydia Smith
Rufus Bassett (b. 1757) and wife Jedidah Handy
Nymphas Bassett (b. 1785)
1912 Bassett Family Reunion Photo, Shelbyville, Indiana
1912 Bassett Family Reunion Booklet
Shelbyville Republican July 19, 1912 page 1 column 3
Two Hundred Descendants of Nymphas Bassett Have Family Gathering And Delightful Time.
The two hundred members of the Bassett family which gathered at the fair grounds Thursday certainly did have one big time. All was jollity and merriment. The day was superb and there was nothing to mar the delightful occasion. At the noon hour all gathered in the big floral hall where three long tables had been spread, and there was room and abundance for all. Elmer Bassett, the well known attorney of this city, acted as master of ceremonies and later as toastmaster. He introduced Rev. H.N. Spear, pastor of the Baptist church of this city, who asked the blessing of God upon the assembled family and all the absent ones and returned thanks for the good things of life that had come to the family and also upon the bounteous repast now spread before the guests. The dinner was such a one as the good ladies of Shelby county so well know how to prepare. Eatables of the best in quality and abundance in quantity were right there and the guests died ample justice to all.
At the close of the dinner, Mr. Elmer Bassett asked that all remain seated as there was to be another kind of feast. He then told of the idea of the reunion and of the arrangements for the same. He read the interesting history of the family from its earliest days. The roll of members which had been prepared of the descendants of Nymphas Bassett numbered about 450 and 200 were present. He called the roll and the following, as nearly as the Republican could check the roll, responded to their name:
Mrs. Jonah Bassett was the first to respond. Her maiden name was Catherine Monroney and she was 90 years old June 15th, 1912. The youngest member of the Bassett family was the little daughter that arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bassett, of Marion Township, the day of the reunion. She sent her regrets. Said she would like to have been there but her papa and mama were too busy to bring her, but she would be there next year anyhow. Miss Cuba Bassett, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Larue Davis and two children, Shelbyville; Mrs. Alice Bowman, Fairland; Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bassett, Shelbyville; Mrs. John C. Bland and four children, Indianapolis; Mrs. Elizabeth Cochran and daughter Helen Cochran, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bassett, Indianapolis; Mrs. Willard Pence and son, Indianapolis; Mrs. Thankful Ann Kennedy, Shelbyville, Misses Helen and Lucile Kennedy, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes and son William of Greensburg; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kennedy and two children, Shelbyville; Mrs. Fred Jones, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bassett, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. William Noble Bassett and two children, of Morristown; Mr. and Mrs. George Bassett and three children, north of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bassett, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bassett, north of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bassett, north of Shelbyville; Dr. Clancy Bassett and wife, of Thorntown; Mrs. George W. Hinds, of Morristown; Miss Ruby Hinds, New Castle; Catherine Eliza Hinds, Morristown; Mrs. Frank White and daughter, Morristown; Mr. and Mrs. S.V. Hinds and Miss Mary Hinds, Morristown; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nave, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. David Elliot and two children, north of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. George Nave and daughter, near Shelbyville; Maybelle Crouch, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. William Bassett, near Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Chandis Bassett and daughter Frances, near Shelbyville; Mrs. A.W. Tindall, south of Shelbyville; Dr. and Mrs. W.W. Tindall and son, Shelbyville; Miss Marie Tindall, south of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Bassett, near Shelbyville; Mr. Frank Bassett, Alexandria; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bassett, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bassett and two children, near Shelbyville; Mrs. Albert Drake, Fairland; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bass and four children, Fairland; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bassett, near Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Darnell, Plainfield, he married Nancy Jane Bassett Bowman; Mr. and Mrs. James K. Bassett, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bassett and four children, Shelbyville; Marshall Bassett, near St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bassett and son, near St. Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Carrithers and son, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. David Wilkinson and five children, Fairland; Mr. and Mrs. William Skillman, son and daughter, Charlie Skillman and Minnie Skillman, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Omer Skillman and son William, Jr., who is in the fifth generation; Jeremiah Wilkinson and children, Jeremiah, Gertrude and David, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and daughter, of Action; Mrs. Mary Riser, Shelbyville; Mrs. Everett Tucker and two children, Fairland; Mrs. Rolla Cherry and son, Shelbyville; Mrs. Wallace McCain and son, Franklin; Carl Riser, Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bassett and three sons, Charles V., Elmer E. and Elbert F., Shelbyville; Mrs. Missouri Towns, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball and son Frederick, Indianapolis; Mary Olive Towns and Lottie Towns, Indianapolis; and Mrs. John R. Cross, McLeansburg, Ill.
Another child of the fifth generation is Bassett Wilkins Neeley, of Franklin, Kentucky, son of Mrs. Mary E. Bassett-Neeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Bassett, of Morristown.
In addition to the members of the Bassett family Mrs. Wiley, of Indianapolis, a sister of Mrs. George Bassett, and her little grandson; Rev H.N. Spear and wife, of the Baptist Church, and representatives of the three papers of the city were present. There were also a few others whose names were not on the printed list and thereby we failed to obtain.
The toastmaster, Elmer Bassett, after calling the roll, asked that Mrs. Catherine Monroney Bassett, the widow of Jonah Bassett, being the oldest representative present, make a speech. She did so, expressing her thanks and gratification at being spared to be present. She was 90 years old on the 15th of June last.
Recitation were given by little Edith Bassett, daughter of Melvin Bassett; Frances Bassett, daughter of Chandis Bassett, who gave very effectively "The Love of the Titan," and Miss Clydia Bassett, who gave in fine style "The Pilot's Story."
James M. Bassett, aged 73, was called on and told a number of interesting reminisences of his grandfather, Nymphas Bassett, as he knew him well. At 75 he was a wood chopper and always working. At one time he owned 880 acres of land, cleared a large part of it up. When he came to enter his land there were 500 Indians camped on it. In 1856 he returned to his original home, New York, on a visit, and during his absence his wife died and had been buried two weeks before he returned or had any knowledge of it, as news travelled slowly or not at all in those days.
Mrs. Clarissa Sleeth made an effecting speech after which the family sang "In the Sweet Bye and Bye." Rev. Spear then spoke and told of the great blessing of a fine ancestry and told of the commendable life of Nymphas Bassett, who was a member of the Baptist church and made the brick for the first Baptist church built here and donated half of them and of his buying Franklin College when it was sold on a mortgage and saving it for the Baptist church. Other speeches were made by George Hinds, 87 years old, Nathan Nave, John Rhodes, Harry C. Darnelle, Wm. H. Bassett, John R. Bassett and W.S. Montgomery of the Republican.
On voting of Henry C. Darnell, the committee, which did such splendid work this year, was elected to take charge of the next reunion and its was vote to have them annually hereafter. The committee in charge this year James M. Bassett, William H. Bassett and John R. Bassett, but the committee concede that the greater part of the work was done by Elmer Bassett. The Orebaugh Bros. took a photograph of the family while at dinner and they all looked happy. Later they took several while the family were seated in the amphitheatre. It is proposed to have a bigger and better reunion next year, so everybody get ready.
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Section 7 - New family lines combined or added since the last newsletter
The following family lines have been added since the last newsletter.
364B. John Thomas Bassett of Saint Marylebone, London, England (born 1797)
439B. Thomas Prichard Bassett, Esq. (born 1780s in Wales)
440B. Thomas Bassett of Sedgley, Staffordshire, England (born 1815)
441B. William Bassett of Ireland (died in Tasmania, Australia)
442B. William Bassett of Lambeth, England (born 1830)
443B. William Bassett of Litherland, Lancashire, England (b. Ireland)
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Section 8 - DNA project update
One new participant joined the DNA project this month, but no new results are back from the lab to report on this month.
Donations of any amount can be made to the Bassett DNA project by clicking
on the link below. Any funds donated will be used to fund select Bassett DNA
tests that will further our project as a whole and benefit all Bassetts worldwide.