(1) Welcome
(2) The DNA Trail and the Silk Road Theatre
(3) DNA results for family #183B William Elias Bassett of Ohio & Michigan
(4) Albert G. Bassett of Bassett Supply, Rochester, New York
(5) Three Sons of Charles Chester Bassett of Washington D.C.
(6) Vera Agnes Bassett of Michigan
(7) New family lines combined or added since the last newsletter
(8) DNA project update
Section 1 - Welcome
I have had the pleasure of working with the Silk Road Theater Group in Chicago on a new play they are producing called "The DNA Trail". Read more about it below.
Several new DNA results are back and two will be mentioned in this newsletter, the other being shown next month once I have some time to analyze the results.
It's that time of year that I put in my annual plea for donations towards the Bassett DNA project. There are nearly 2,000 Bassetts and others on my mailing list that receive this newsletter monthly. If you appreciate the work I am doing on the Bassett history and want to help in some small way, please consider making a small donation towards the project. No amount is too small. The easiest way to do this is to use the link below. This way the money will be deposited directly into the Bassett DNA fund at Family Tree DNA where I can use it to fund new tests for the year 2010. Donations helped pay for 6 tests in 2009. http://www.familytreedna.com/contribution.html
If you have taken part in the DNA project in the past and used project funds to participate, please consider making a small donation back towards the project so others that can not afford to participate can do so.
Lastly, I am looking for a Bassett from the #214B Louis Bassett of France family that settled in Hastings, Nebraska that would be willing to take part in the Bassett DNA project as well as a 2nd Bassett that belongs to the Lincolnshire, England Bassett family. Taking part in the DNA project is easy and is done through the mail. I order a kit and it is sent directly to your home where you perform a simple cheek swab and then return the kit to the testing lab. Results are usually back within 3 or 4 weeks.
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Section 2 - Featured Bassett: The DNA Trail and the Silk Road Theatre
For anyone living in or near the Chicago area, I wanted to let you know of a new play being presented from March 4, 2010 thru April 25, 2010.
Back in the summer of 2008, I was asked to make a presentation to a group of playwrights about DNA testing and the Bassett y-chromosome project. After this presentation this group of playwrights developed a new play called "The DNA Trail".
I have not yet seen the play but it should make for some interesting entertainment.
Click on the link below to read more about this play and The Silk Road Theatre Project.
Section 3 - Featured Bassett: DNA Results for family #183B William Elias Bassett
This example shows another interesting case where DNA testing has given us new leads on where to look next for ancestry on the family.
From the death certificate of William Elias Bassett, we know he was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania in 1833/4, son of Alfred Bassett and Phoebe
Petters. We currently do not have an Alfred Bassett anywhere in the database married to a Phoebe, but upon examination of the DNA results shown below for several other Bassetts that match this #183B line, we can see that this William Elias Bassett has a very close match to the descendants of Elias Bassett (from the #3B Thomas Bassett of CT family) of Connecticut who later moved to western New York.
Among the children of Elias Bassett is an Alfred Bassett, born 1810 in Connecticut. He married Harriet Steadman in 1846 in Bennington, Wyoming County, New York. This is quite old to be marrying for the first time. My theory is thatHarriet may be Alfred's 2nd wife, the first being Phoebe Petters. We have so far been unable to find Alfred in the 1840 census which might confirm that he had a wife and child at the time. Maybe we can find Alfred from an 1835 or 1845 state census showing his family.
In 1850, William Elias Bassett is still living in Erie County, PA as shown in the census below. I am not sure who this Belknap family is, but it is interesting to note that William Bassett named one of sons Volney Bassett.
1850 Federal Census of North East Twp., Erie County, PA (21 Oct 1850)
Volney Belknap 27 M Pennsylvania Farmer
Elizabeth 30 F Illinois
Maria 4 F Illinois
Charles 3 M Pennsylvania
William Bassett 17 M Pennsylvania Laborer
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Section 4 - Featured Bassett: Albert G. Bassett of Rochester, New York
Albert G. Bassett was originally featured in a newsletter in May of 2007 as a druggist. I have now found he also ran the Bassett Supply Company of Rochester, New York.
Albert G. Bassett descends from #1A William Bassett of Plymouth as follows:
William Bassett and wife Elizabeth
William Bassett and wife Mary Raynesford
William Bassett and wife Rachel Willison
Jonathan Bassett and wife Mary Gales
Jonathan Bassett and wife Mary Francis
Nathan Bassett and wife Olive Clark
Abel Bassett and wife Elizabeth Babcock
Albert Bassett and wife Mary C.
Albert G. Bassett and wife Mary M. Buckley
Bassett's Shampoo Cream Egg
purchased on ebay
Bassett's Horehound Troches
advertiser purchased on ebay
From Bassett Supply Co.,
Rochester, New York
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, Thursday, July 1, 1909
Gets $1 Per Week For Life
Sag Harbor Beneficiary of Odd Will
Made by Rochester Man-Brooklynites Heirs
(Special to the Eagle)
Rochester, N.Y., July 1 – One of the most curious wills ever admitted to probate in this city was that of Alfred G. Bassett of the Bassett Supply company, in this city, who died here June 8, leaving a large estate, the exact amount of which is not known.
In his will Bassett makes a peculiar bequest to his nephew, Fred Schellenberger of Sag Harbor, L.I. William C. Buckley of 392 Hancock street, Brooklyn, is named as executor. In his will Mr. Bassett provides that $500 be deposited in the Sag Harbor Savings Bank, and that out of the income and principal the sum of $1 be paid to Schellenberger each week the remainder of his life. If Schellenberger should died before the amount is used up, the remainder is to be used in the care of the Bassett family plot in Sag Harbor cemetery.
At 4 per cent the $500 will earn $20 annually, but when the bank has to pay off $1 a week it will make fine figuring on the interest plant for the bank clerks. It is figured that the $500 at 4 per cent interest will last about twenty-five years.
There are other odd provisions in the will including different sums given to churches in Rochester at the discretion of the executor. The remainder of the estate is shared by the following Brooklynites: Mrs. Ann L. French, Mrs. Ada Buckley and Mrs. Frances Buckley.
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Section 5 - Featured Bassett: Three Sons of Charles Chester Bassett
Charles Chester Bassett descends from #3B Thomas Bassett of Connecticut as follows:
Thomas Bassett (b. 1598) and wife Joanna Beardsley
Thomas Bassett (b. 1650) and wife Sarah Baldwin
Josiah Bassett (b. 1690) and wife Alice Canfield
Samuel Bassett (b. 1723) and wife Susannah Morris
Isaac Bassett (b. 1760) and wife Desire Hotchkiss
Simeon Bassett (b. 1794) and wife Effie Euphemia Tweedy
David Bassett (b. 1821) and wife Catherine Matilda Duncanson
Charles Chester Bassett (b. 1863) and wife Fannie Rice
Charles Chester - Rice Bassett - Benjamin Franklin Rice Bassett
Charles Chester Bassett and Fannie had three sons all of whom saw service in World War I.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, Monday, October 7, 1918
Bassett Will Soon Be Lieut. Of Flyers
Ensign Charles Chester Bassett Jr. of the U.S. Naval Flying Corps is spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Edward L. Hunt, in Ingram st., Forest Hills. Ensign Bassett, while a sophomore at Harvard, volunteered in the Lafayette Escadrille, before the United States declared ward, and had been sixteen months at the front.
On his 21st birthday he was commissioned an ensign in the United States Naval Squadron. He has flown all makes of land and sea planes and has been cited for distinguished service in scout patrol and bombing work.
His motor went dead over the North Sea last February and it is considered one of the war miracles that he was saved from drowning, as he sank twice before he was reached by Ensign Gates, the famous football player of Yale. In recognition of this service, Ensign Bassett has been notified that he is to be commissioned a junior lieutenant of the United States Naval Flying Corps. He will return to the front within a week.
Two younger sons of Mrs. Hunt, Rice of Princeton and Ben have entered the Navy and are now on submarine chasers. They are the grandsons of Benjamin F. Rice, formerly U.S. Senator from Arkansas.
The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, Monday, October 14, 1918
Lt. Rice Bassett
Lt. Rice Bassett, son of Mrs. Fanny Rice Hunt of Ingram st., Forest Hills, who was killed in an explosion upon the submarine chaser 219 in a foreign port, was 19 years old. He enlisted in the Navy last May while he was a sophomore at Princeton. He was a grandson of the late Benjamin F. Rice, U.S. Senator of Arkansas.
Two other brothers are in service, Ensign Charles Chester Bassett jr., who is a member of the Naval Flying Corps, was a sophomore at Harvard when he volunteered in the Lafayette Escadrille before the United Stated declared war and has been sixteen months at the front. He was several days ago commissioned a junior lieutenant of the United States Naval Flying Corps. Ben Bassett has entered the Navy and is on board a submarine chaser.
The Harvard Crimson, Thursday, May 4, 1922
Rice-Bassett to Lead Freshman
Elected Captain of 1925 Eight- Rows Number Two
Benjamin Franklin Rice-Bassett ’25 of New York, N.Y. was elected captain of the Freshman crew last night. Rice-Bassett prepared for college at Middlesex School. There he received his letter for rowing, but was not a regular on the crew. Since coming to college, he has been a member of the Freshman football squad, and this spring has been rowing two on the 1925 eight.
Passport Photo of Benjamin Franklin Rice Bassett
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Section 6 - Featured Bassett: Vera Agnes Bassett of Michigan
Vera Agnes was the wife of Wilfred George Bassett of Michigan. Wilfred descends from #6B William Bassett of CT as follows:
William Bassett of Connecticut and wife Hannah Dickerman
Samuel Bassett (b. 1652) and wife Mary Dickerman
Samuel Bassett (b. 1686) and wife Elizabeth Humiston
Samuel Bassett (b. 1728) and wife Abigail Bradley
Samuel Bassett (b. 1752) and wife Katherine Tuttle
Lyman Bassett (b. 1787) and wife Sally Boyse
Benajah Bassett (b. 1821) and wife Catherine Bird Stanford
Edgar Stanford (b. 1852) and wife Joanna Josephine Carroll
Edgar Franklin Bassett (b. 1874) and wife Maggie
Wilfred George Bassett married Vera Agnes Scheffel
Wilfred George Bassett, Leland K. Bassett, Vera Agnes Bassett, W. George Bassett
Taken about 1949, photo courtesy of Leland K. Bassett
Vera Agnes Bassett, photo courtesy of son Leland K. Bassett
JCC Today, Fall 2008
Jackson Community College, Jackson, Michigan
‘Iron butterfly’s’ wings still spread over JCC nursing program
Vera Agnes Bassett’s family lovingly called her the “iron butterfly” during her life because she had the constitution and strength of cast iron and the grace, sensitivity and warmth of a butterfly. Though she passed away nearly 16 years ago, her impact is still felt over the JCC nursing program through the scholarship fund that bears her name.
Son and daughter-in-law Leland and Tina Bassett established the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship immediately after her death in 1992 as a means of continuing the impact of her life. This year 31 scholarships were awarded in honor of Vera Bassett.
“They truly are life-changing scholarships,” Leland Bassett said. “It’s an opportunity as we see if for Vera to continue giving back. She had a simple philosophy about life, and it was that we have a responsibility to make this world a better place as we pass through. That sense of generational responsibility was something she ingrained in us.”
Bassett was a graduate of the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing in the 1930s, and she ran the emergency operating room at U-M. She married Dr. Wilfred G. Bassett, attorney and later judge and state representative from Jackson, and after World War II they raised a family in Jackson. By the early 1960s, JCC was trying to start a nursing program, and Vera joined the faculty and was instrumental in establishing the licensed practical nursing (LPN) curriculum. She taught nearly 800 nursing graduates during her 15 years at the College. She oversaw students completing their clinical experience at what was then Mercy Hospital in Jackson.
“She was tough on procedure and the seriousness of having someone’s life in your hands. You had to be exact and good at what you did. But if you would work at it, she would bend over backward to help you. She helped students financially, helped them with family problems, whatever they needed to graduate,” Leland said. Her students were so committed to her, he said, that in her declining years when she moved into Vista Grande Villa and required care of various doctors, the family never worried because whatever doctor’s office she went to, there were students there who remained devoted to her.
She and Dr. Bassett were married for 53 years, and upon his passing, Vera moved into Vista Grande Villa. There she met Earl Peterson, a retired engineer who had been a lifelong bachelor. The two quickly became close companions and had a “whirlwind romance,” Leland said. They never married but remained sweethearts till the end. When Earl Peterson passed away in 1997, he remembered Vera, the love of his life, by leaving $450,000 to the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship Fund, along with another gift of $230,000 to the Dahlem Environmental Education Center, making the total estate gift worth $680,000. That donation helped jumpstart the scholarship, which continues to grow.
“She was just so special, she touched people’s lives forever,” Leland added. Bassett also stresses the increasingly important role of community colleges in today’s world. “Community colleges can act and provide services that adapt to local or community needs that four-year colleges cannot do,” he said.
Anyone wishing to contribute to the Vera Bassett Nursing Scholarship fund may contact the JCC foundation at 517.787.0244.
(Article reprinted with permission from Jackson Community College)
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Section 7 - New Family lines combined or added since the last newsletter
The following family lines have been combined/eliminated since the last newsletter.
350B. Robert Bassett of Deddington, Oxfordshire into the #50B Bassetts of Steeple Barton, Oxfordshire, England
The following family lines have been added since the last newsletter.
350B. John Bassett and Mary Phillips from Languicke, Glamorgan, Wales
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Section 8 - DNA project update
A kit from someone with the surname of Bisset from Scotland took part and their results are shown below. This family shows no close matches
with anyone from the Bassett DNA project.
Donations of any amount can be made to the Bassett DNA project by clicking
on the link below. Any funds donated will be used to fund select Bassett DNA
tests that will further our project as a whole and benefit all Bassetts worldwide.